Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rich and Hokey, Cool and Poor, or Neither?

I was in an automotive sales training yesterday. I was not being paid whilst sitting through something that was keeping me from my livelihood for seven agonizing hours. If I were learning material that I could apply without restriction, then it would have held my attention. Unfortunately, some of the methods of the sales approach were against the policies of our dealership. Great. Just what an ADHD-addled bundle of nerves like myself needs. A reason not to pay attention and become disengaged. During a section of role playing, things got outlandishly cheesy, and the instructor noticed that I wasn't repeating back to him the role play lines like the other members of his congregation, er, class. I told him that I "wasn't that Jersey". He looked me in the eyes and said "Repeat after me: 'I'd rather be rich and hokey than cool and poor' ". To get him off my back, I repeated the line, and took part in the role play.

Later in the day, I inspected the ingredients on the label of the "Cookie Diet" bag of "cookies" he had with him on the table during a break. Ridiculous. A bunch of crap. Later still, he randomly testified that he'd lost 40 lbs using said diet. He was still overweight, with the kind of job history that surely didn't help him keep his blood pressure down-mostly a string of general manager positions at car dealerships. Who knows what serious health issues will eventually ensue if he stays on this "Cookie Diet". Forget actual nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, just use the cookie diet! This man is NOT my hero.

When I returned to the showroom to get back to the business of finding customers to actually sell cars to via phone, internet and walk-in traffic, things were fairly slow. At least I hadn't missed a lot of action. The most exciting thing going on was a few employees who had gathered near the desk of one of our internet sales managers. He had a blood pressure monitoring device. Apparently, his cardiovascular was not doing so well either. Several others were checking their blood pressure. Several were a good deal over ideal, a few were somewhat over ideal, and mine was within two units of perfect, give or take. My blood pressure was ideal, despite not having visited a doctor in 6 years. I had spent my money at the health food store, not the hospital, and my choice had been effective.

"I'd rather be rich and hokey than cool and poor"

If rich and hokey is overweight, high blood pressure, a failed marriage, lots of money but no health, I'll pass. Cool? I've chosen eclectic over cool a long time ago and haven't looked back. You know who's cool? Other eclectic people who can live healthy lives being themselves. I love those people, especially when they share something in common with me and love me back. There are times you should avoid asking me simple questions. If I was given a choice between rich & hokey and cool & poor, he would have wished he hadn't asked. I'm not a fan of speaking if I'm not telling you something I believe.

I believe health is wealth.


"I'm RICH Beeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaatcccchhhh!!!!!!"

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